Core Values

As the school grows, we are creating a school culture, staff and the Board. The more understood, accepted and cohesive the culture is, the better the school community is able to move towards achieving its mission, vision and goals. This includes the values, symbols, beliefs and shared meanings among parents and students. The following are the core values embraced by the Infinity learning community:

1. Education First
At Infinity, education is our primary business. Activities that seek and support educational excellence shall be given priority over those which do not. The role of teachers is to help children learn.

2. Quality
Beginning in Kindergarten and continuing through school, the subject of quality and how it relates to schoolwork is discussed with students. Students, parents and teachers will challenge students to do their very best. It is not our goal to have students merely completing assignments without attempting to produce a quality product.

3. Hard Work
Creating high quality work is not always easy. Our staff is committed to making learning interesting, exciting, and even fun, as much as possible. However, we recognize, and want parents and students to recognize, that learning, while necessary, is not always easy.

4. Life-long Learning
We recognize learning does not begin or end with school. We want students to learn skills, which will allow them to continue to direct their own learning. The essence of this is independence and self-reliance.

5. Love of Learning
Children need to learn to love learning as its own reward. We work to encourage students to rely on internal rewards and motivations, while acknowledging some external rewards may be necessary.

6. Self-esteem
We believe self-esteem is built upon competence. We can, and will, praise children appropriately, but we will not engage in false praise. We will actively assist and encourage children in their journey toward competency. We want them to take pride in what they do well. We also want them to believe they can make a difference in the world.

7. Respect
We strive to create a climate of mutual respect among students, parents, staff and community members. Students will be expected to show respect to others, and can, in turn, expect to be treated with respect by others.

8. Personal Responsibility
We expect students to take personal responsibility for their own learning. We cannot teach them anything, if they are determined not to learn. We also expect them to take personal responsibility for their actions and to be willing to accept the consequences.

9. Responsibility to Others
Any member of a community has some responsibility to his neighbor. Our students have some special abilities that carry with them greater opportunities to serve. We want students to understand the contributions they can make to society and to act responsibly.

10. Role Models
We have high expectations for our students. We, as parents and staff, are committed to serving as appropriate role models for our students. We need to demonstrate our values to our students on a daily basis in our own behavior. We can’t reasonably expect from them that which we are not willing to do ourselves.

11. Diversity
We live in a diverse society. Students need to understand and respect differences, while seeking to find common ground. Students also need to understand and evaluate different opinions and intellectual perspectives. All of this is an integral part of our curriculum.

12. Continual Improvement
We have adopted the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen or continuous improvement. We acknowledge and recognize effort, celebrate the achievement of benchmarks and milestones, and strive to get better each day.